Dan Rich, Manager, PTE Evaluation Group
Toyota Motors Engineering and Manufacturing North America

I wanted to let you know that our use of the smoke meter was successful for our tests.  Initially, we had a little bit of a learning curve having to do with the temperatures we were dealing with, but after that I think we found a process where we could get very reliable data.
It turned out that the meter itself, rather than the head was having a problem with the lower temperatures. Once we got that resolved, we could get good, repeatable data.

I wanted to thank you for your great information that set me off in the right direction.  The time you spent with me in that first phone call was a good education for me, even though I had been on the phone with reps from other companies, you quickly understood what we wanted to do and helped me find out how to accomplish it.

We often go outside the bounds of 'normal' testing here so I'm used to dealing with that, but with your help and advice, especially when we ran into the little bit of trouble we had with the moisture/freezing, we were able to meet the deadline of our test.  When running three vehicles at once in a chamber, at temperatures from -20'C to 0'C, time is of the essence.  Your help made it so we could finish in time with good results.

Again, I really appreciate your time and extra effort, it certainly made a difference.